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Старый 22.01.2003, 01:24   #1
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Аватар для revinski
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Новости о грантах. Объявления и информацияНовости о конкурсах и олимпиадах
http://www.rsci.ru/grants.html; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/grant/; http://www.vsekonkursy.ruhttp://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/konkurs/; http://www.mrsu.ru/ru/sci/olymp/
Поиск стипендий для обучения и исследований
Все европейские страныЕвропа, Азия, Африка и другие регионы
http://www.academicjobseu.com; http://www.academiccareers.comhttp://scholarship-positions.com/
http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home.jsp?lang=en; http://www.postdocjobs.com/http://brightrecruits.com/tiptop/
http://www.eracareers.pt/search/inde...k=search&idc=1; http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/

Конкурс проектов по ФЦП "Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2014-2020 гг."
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NB! Дискуссии о грантах, конкурсах, премиях, стипендиях прошу вести в отдельной теме: Обсуждение анонсов конференций, etc.

Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 08.01.2015 в 19:59.
revinski вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.08.2012, 23:31   #251
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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PhD Research Programme in Computer Science at Free University of Bozen, 2013 Italy
PhD Programme in Computer Science
The PhD Programme lasts three years and the official language of the programme is English.

PhD students are expected to work full-time on their research. During the PhD, it is advisable to spend a period of 6-12 months at a National or International research center.

Candidates are strongly advised to contact their desired research centers at the Faculty of Computer Science before applying. This way, they can obtain a clear idea of the specific research carried out at the Faculty.

The Selection Committee selects PhD students based on a comparative assessment of the qualification of applicants, taking into account also feedback from potential supervisors, especially those who have grants available to support the PhD students, and determines the winners based on the merits of each candidate.

The Selection Committee also selects those candidates who are qualified to start a PhD program at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, but who cannot be admitted for lack of space. Should a selected winner not accept the position, such candidates will be next in line for the position.

It is expected that students are able to write and speak fluently in English.

Дедлайн 31 августа 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.08.2012, 23:40   #252
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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University of Münster, the International Graduate School offers PhD/MD Studentship in Molecular Interactions of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces, 2012 Germany
International Graduate School at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (GRK 1409/2)
’Molecular Interactions of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces’

We are advertising positions for the 3rd generation of doctoral students !

10 positions starting January 1, 2013

Positions are 65% E13 positions which are equivalent to a net salary of approximately 1350 € per month (after taxes).

Дедлайн 31 августа 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.08.2012, 23:46   #253
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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The UBC Composites Group at the Okanagan campus offers Postdoctoral position at the School of Engineering, Canada

-A PhD in Engineering (Canadian graduates will be given priority) with a strong background in the field of Composite Materials.
-Proven experimental/material testing skills as well as expertise in numerical modeling techniques.
-Excellent communication, technical writing, and student supervision skills

The UBC Composites Group at the Okanagan campus invites applications for a Postdoctoral position at the School of Engineering. The successful candidates will be directly working as part of a new pan western Composites Research Network (CRN) which is a major initiative funded by government to support the transition of knowledge-based composites design and manufacturing capability to the industrial base in British Columbia and Western Canada. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to enhance his/her hands-on experience in testing, modeling, design and manufacture of composite materials and structures, while working closely with the CRN engineers in several industrial sites as well as research staff in different nodes of the network to conduct experiments, document experimental procedures and results, optimize manufacturing processes, and prepare presentations and write technical articles.
Contact employer at “abbas.milani@ubc.ca”

Дедлайн 30 августа 2012
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Старый 23.08.2012, 23:54   #254
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Space Science, 2012
ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science

The ESA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Programme is aimed at providing young scientists, holding a PhD or the equivalent degree, with the means of performing research in space science. The programme is open to suitably qualified women and men. Preference will be given to applications submitted by candidates within five years of receiving their PhD. Candidates not holding a PhD yet can also apply, but they must provide evidence of receiving their degree before starting the fellowship.
Appointments for an ESA fellowship are for two years, after which Fellows normally leave ESA. The fellowship in space science is tenable at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, or at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villafranca del Castillo near Madrid, Spain. The Fellowship Programme does not currently grant fellowships in other institutions outside of ESA.
The fellowships are open to nationals of ESA Member States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) and to nationals of states adhering to the PECS cooperation scheme (Canada, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia). Detailed information about the conditions, eligibility and benefits of the ESA Fellowship Programme can be found here.
Furthermore, nationals of other states with which ESA has a cooperation agreement (e.g. Argentina, Brazil, China, Estonia, India, Russian Federation and Turkey) can have access to a one-year international traineeship, at the post-doctoral level, along lines similar to those of the research fellowship. The programme provides a subsistence allowance to cover the trainees' living expenses during their stay at ESA. Young scientists interested in the possibility of an international traineeship in space science should contact directly the fellowship coordinator, Guido De Marchi, for more information.
Research Programmes
Solar Physics, Heliophysics and Space Plasma Physics
studying the physics of the Earth's magnetosphere using data from the Cluster, Double Star and Themis missions as well as from any other relevant facility. Topics of interest include magnetic reconnection, magnetospheric boundary layers, plasma transfer processes, ULF waves, polar cusp and inner magnetospheric dynamics [contact Harri Laakso, Philippe Escoubet or Matt Taylor at ESTEC]
studying the plasma environment of solar system bodies using data from all relevant planetary missions [contact Olivier Witasse at ESTEC]
work on a number of topics in solar physics using data from SOHO, TRACE, Hinode or any other relevant facility. Topics of interest include studies of the structure and dynamics of the solar corona, chromoseismology, modeling of photospheric and coronal magnetic fields, and helioinformatics (development of advanced techniques for data assimilation, visualisation, and browsing) [contact Daniel Mueller at ESTEC or Bernhard Fleck]
study of plasma physics through X-ray high-resolution spectroscopy of active stars [contact Andy Pollock at ESAC]
Planetary Science
work on a number of topics on comparative planetology, including geology, impact craters, spectroscopy/mapping, water on Mars, planetary rings, atmospheres, ionospheres, meteors and astrobiology, with emphasis on the use of data from the Mars Express, Venus Express, Smart-1, Cassini-Huygens, Demeter, Bepi Colombo and Chandrayaan-1 missions as well as from other relevant facilities [contact Agustin Chicarro, Detlef Koschny, Olivier Witasse, Luigi Colangeli, Hakan Svedhem, Dmitri Titov or Bernard Foing at ESTEC or Patrick Martin or Nicolas Altobelli at ESAC]
support the scientific preparation of the ExoMars mission with regards to landing site selection activities, with emphasis on the use of morphologic and spectral data from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and set up the programme for distribution and analysis of mission representative blind samples among the ExoMars rover instrument teams [contact Jorge Vago at ESTEC or Patrick Martin at ESAC]
investigation of minor bodies in the solar system to understand their formation and evolution in the frame of planetary system formation, using data from Rosetta, Herschel, other space missions and ground-based observations [contact Rita Schulz or Detlef Koschny at ESTEC, or Nicolas Altobelli or Michael Kueppers at ESAC]
investigation of asteroids, cosmic dust and planetary discs, with space-based and ground-based observations and numerical models, to better constrain the orbital dynamics and physical and chemical properties of these objects [contact Detlef Koschny, Luigi Colangeli and Hakan Svedhem at ESTEC or Nicolas Altobelli or Michael Kueppers at ESAC]
investigate the physics and chemistry of terrestrial planets and minor bodies through numerical modelling of their interior and near surface layers in order to better understand their formation and thermal evolution [contact Johannes Benkhoff at ESTEC]
petrology and astrobiology analysis of mineral and organic samples exposed in Earth orbit or from Moon-Mars-planetary simulated analogues [contact Bernard Foing at ESTEC]
Astrophysics: Stars and Planets
study of stellar populations, star formation in the local group, pre-main sequence stars, the and dynamical evolution of stellar clusters, the properties of their initial mass function and its relationship with the physical conditions of the environment, using UV, optical and IR data from space (HST) and ground-based (VLT) facilities [contact Guido De Marchi at ESTEC]
observational studies of galactic star-forming regions (Orion, Carina, etc.), including low-mass stars, brown dwarfs, circumstellar discs, jets, and outflows, as well as field brown dwarfs, using X-ray, optical, and IR data from ground-based telescopes (VLT, VISTA, UKIRT) and space-based facilities (Chandra, Spitzer, and ultimately JWST) [contact Mark McCaughrean at ESTEC]
study of disc evolution and planet formation with observations from Spitzer and Herschel on the star-forming clouds in the Gould's Belt. The work includes optical characterisation of new objects and analysis of transitional discs with large inner holes, due to currently forming planets [contact Timo Prusti at ESTEC or Bruno Merin at ESAC]
study of warm debris discs in transiting planets systems from CoRoT, Kepler and others with WISE, SDSS, AKARI and Herschel observations with potential follow-up from major ground-based observatories (GTC, VLT, ALMA and others) [contact Bruno Merin at ESAC]
observational and theoretical work on debris discs around stars using existing space- and ground-based observations, including data from Herschel and ongoing ground-based submillimetre observations [contact Göran Pilbratt or Ana Heras at ESTEC]
searching for extra-solar planets through the analysis of CoRoT data and follow-up ground-based observations [contact Malcolm Fridlund at ESTEC]
studies linked to the scientific yield of the Gaia mission, in particular structure and evolution of open clusters, OB associations or star forming clouds in the Gould Belt, using astrometric, photometric or spectroscopic data [contact Timo Prusti or Jos de Bruijne at ESTEC]
characterisation of the infrared properties of stars in the transition phase from the asymptotic giant branch to the planetary nebula stage through the analysis of Spitzer data taken in different metallicity environments, search for new transition sources using the AKARI all-sky survey data at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds, and follow-up studies with Herschel [contact Pedro Garcia-Lario at ESAC]
study of plasma physics through X-ray high-resolution spectroscopy of active stars [contact Andy Pollock at ESAC]
research on X-ray binaries (black holes and neutron stars), emission mechanisms, physics of accretion, activity timescales, X-ray bursts [contact Arvind Parmar, Erik Kuulkers or Peter Kretschmar at ESAC]
X-ray studies of Classical Novae in outburst [contact Jan-Uwe Ness at ESAC]
Astrophysics: Galaxies and Interstellar Medium
studies of the galactic interstellar medium using observations from the all-sky surveys by Planck [contact Jan Tauber or Rene Laureijs at ESTEC]
Observational studies of large organics in space (such as fullerenes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs) using interstellar spectroscopy [contact Bernard Foing at ESTEC]
investigating the nature of nuclear star clusters and their connection with active galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes, using optical, IR and sub-mm data from space (HST) and ground (VLT, IRAM) facilities [contact Torsten Boeker at ESTEC]
X-ray spectroscopic studies of acretion processes onto supermassive black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei, and of nuclear activity feed-back onto the host galaxy environment on various scales (pc to kpc) [contact Norbert Schartel, Maria Santos-Lleo, or Matteo Guainazzi at ESAC]
study of morphology and complexity of the diffuse interstellar medium in the Galactic plane and in star-forming clouds of the Gould's Belt, using data from Herschel large-scale surveys [contact Roland Vavrek at ESAC]
studies of X-ray emission components in nearby spiral galaxies (diffuse and point-like) including extra-planar halo emission and the environment of cluster galaxies [contact Matthias Ehle at ESAC]
studies of the Galactic Centre, especially Sgr A* and the Central Molecular Zone [contact Guillaume Belanger at ESAC]
Gamma-ray burst physics (prompt & afterglow emission, timing), gamma-ray line emission (diffuse and from point sources), nucleosynthesis, and galactic stellar-mass size black hole transients [contact Chris Winkler at ESTEC]
work on cosmological surveys using existing Herschel observations, with particular focus on lensing galaxy clusters, high redshift clusters, follow ups to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field survey and other Herschel extragalactic surveys [contact Bruno Altieri, Luca Conversi, Leo Metcalfe, Miguel Sanchez-Portal or Ivan Valtchanov at ESAC]
work on cosmic microwave background and its foregrounds, with specific focus on galaxy cluster studies by means of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, using Planck and Herschel data [contact Luca Conversi at ESAC]
Fundamental Physics
work on experimental techniques for low frequency gravitational wave detection, including laser frequency/phase stabilisation and precision interferometry [contact Paul McNamara at ESTEC]
work on the development of algorithms and methods for LISA data analysis [contact Oliver Jennrich at ESTEC]
work on applications of atomic quantum sensors (atomic clocks, atom interferometers, etc.) to fundamental physics studies in space [contact Luigi Cacciapuoti at ESTEC]
experimental and theoretical research in detector development for the next generation of infrared, X-ray and gamma-ray instrumentation, involving testing and characterisation of new and existing detection media (compound semiconductors, scintillators), investigation of new detection techniques and improvement of existing methods (e.g., by single carrier sensing, novel electrode design, readout schemes, etc.) [contact David Lumb or Alan Owens at ESTEC]
How to apply
The next deadline for applications will be 1 October 2012. The application form can be found here. Candidates should produce a PDF file using the application form as a template and submit it electronically by e-mail to the address temp.htr@esa.int, as indicated on the form. The length of the text in sections 23, 24 and 25 of the form should not exceed the indicated limits. Also please note that, unlike other ESA fellowships, for the Fellowship in Space Science no additional material or annex such as CVs, certificates of degrees or copies of articles should be attached. The only information needed is that indicated in the application form.
Candidates must also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent by e-mail, before the deadline, to the same address temp.htr@esa.int. The letters must be sent by the referees themselves, one of whom should be the candidate's PhD supervisor. In the unlikely event that a letter of reference cannot be submitted electronically, it may be sent by post to: ESTEC, Fellowship Programme, Human Resources Division, Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Applications and letters arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
Enquiries on the scientific aspects of the programme can be sent at any time to the fellowship coordinator, Guido De Marchi.
Within six to eight weeks of the application deadline, candidates selected for an interview will be notified (all travel expenses are covered by ESA). Interviews will take place within two months. Besides an interview, candidates are asked to give a short talk (15 min + 5 min for questions) to present their current and proposed research programme at a jamboree open to the whole science faculty. During their visit, normally lasting two days, candidates are encouraged to interact with other fellows and staff members, to familiarise themselves with the ESA science faculty. Successful candidates will be notified by early February and normally fellowships commence in the autumn (September/October).
Research budget, conferences
Research expenses for Fellows, such as publication charges, observing trips and attendance to conferences, are covered by the research budget of the Space Science departments. Fellows can usually attend three international conferences each year, provided that they have important new results to present. Fellows have also access to the Science Visitor Programme and can invite external collaborators to spend time at ESTEC or ESAC, funded by ESA, to work with them.
Financial conditions and benefits
The salary of ESA fellows falls within a pre-determined range and varies depending on qualifications and experience. Average monthly net salaries (tax free) are around € 2500. Fellows may be entitled to an expatriation allowance and/or to an installation allowance if they meet the conditions of entitlement. Removal expenses are not reimbursed. Depending on their place of recruitment, fellows may be reimbursed travel expenses in economy class (when travelling by air) or in first class (when travelling by train) to their duty station for themselves and, if applicable, for their spouse and children at the beginning and end of their assignment. Fellows are enrolled in the ESA's Social Security Scheme which covers medical expenses, invalidity and death benefits. A monthly deduction covers these short-term and long-term risks.

Дедлайн 1 октября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26.08.2012, 15:10   #255
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Shpilman Prize

Applications to the Shpilman Prize have to conform strictly to the terms set by the regulations. The proposed research projects should be of a practical nature and involve a strong theoretical basis. The combination of photographic theory and practice should be at the core of any submission.The Pre-Selection Committee:The Israel Museum will convene a pre-selection committee of three members to review and screen all applications for adequacy and ensure their compliance with the regulations, compatibility and relevance, and to select those to be submitted to the final jury.The Jury:The jury will consist of an international group of well-known professionals. It will be chaired by a representative of the Israel Museum, together with two Israeli and two international personalities, experts in the fields of art and photography. Consequently, a different jury will be convened every two years for each subsequent prize. The jury will meet in the fall of every second year in Jerusalem and the winner will be announced before the end of the same year. A detailed protocol of the selection process and deliberations will be kept for the archives of the prize; however these will not be made public. Members of the jury will not have to justify their decision.The Prize:Except for very special reasons, the Prize in the amount of $45,000 cannot be divided. The prize will be remitted to the recipient in three installments, a third upon announcement, at the award ceremony, a third half way along the project, subject to the submission of a progress report, and the last portion upon completion and submission of the final material. The full amount of the prize will have to be applied by the recipient entirely to the creation and completion of the research project for which it is awarded. All additional expenses for publication and/or possible exhibition will be borne by the Israel Museum through the support of the Shpilman Institute for Photography. It is in the jury’s discretion not to award the prize if a suitable proposal could not be selected. In this case the prize will be transferred to the following year.Applications:All applications should be in English only and include:- A duly completed application form signed by the candidate and validated by the nominator as to its accuracy. The applicant will confirm in writing that his proposal is an original idea exclusively presented to the Shpilman Photography Prize and has not been submitted previously or concurrently to any other prize, grant, venue, or similar purpose.- The nomination text should be of no more than 500 words by a recognized nominator, an authority in the fields of art and/or photography or cultural or academic institution with supporting arguments as to the q1ualifications of the candidate and the importance and validity of the proposed project explaining the nominator’s recommendation.- A concise biography of the candidate’s professional background, studies, exhibitions, publications, grants and prizes received.- An explanatory brief of no more than 1000 words by the candidate outlining the project presented for the award. The candidate must agree to finish the project by December 2014 at the latest, for catalogue publication deadline and the creation of the exhibition if applicable. This document must be signed by the candidate.- Candidates shall submit a selection of 10-25 photographs (no larger than 16”x20” 40x50cm), referring both to their past work, and if applicable, preparatory sketches for their future project, as well as published material e.g. books, articles, and/or other relevant printed material. It is preferable not to send digital material.- The Israel Museum will not be held responsible for the loss of submissions in transit. At the end of the judging process all unused supporting materials will be returned to the candidates. The application forms and other relevant information will be kept for the archives of the prize. Submissions should also include a self-addressed envelope for the return of the material.- Any employees or persons presently affiliated with the members of the jury, with the Israel Museum and/or the Shpilman Art and Culture Foundation are not allowed to apply for the prize, or be nominators and any such candidacies will automatically be disqualified. Print application formTime Frame:1. Upon the announcement of the prize in January 2012, applications should be sent to the Israel Museum and reach their destination no later than September 1, 2012.The destination address should read as follows: The Shpilman Prize Noel and Harriette Levine Department of Photography The Israel Museum P. O. Box 71117 Jerusalem, 91710ISRAEL Correspondence for additional information may be sent to the same address or e-mailed to: shpilmanprize@imj.org.il 2. The Jury will convene during the month of October, 2012.3. The winner will be announced by the end of November 2012.4. The award ceremony will take place in Jerusalem at the end of the same year (exact date to be announced).5. The project will have to be concluded and the results submitted to the Israel Museum by December 31, 2014.6. The publication and/or exhibition will be realized in the course of 2015.

Дедлайн 1 сентября 2012
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Старый 26.08.2012, 19:25   #256
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
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Премия им. И.Е. Забелина
Премия имени И.Е.Забелина в области научных исследований учреждена в 1997 году Министерством культуры Российской Федерации по предложению Ученого Совета Государственного Исторического музея. Премия является особой наградой за научные исследования, выполненные сотрудниками исторических, краеведческих, церковно-исторических и историко-художественных музеев Российской Федерации. Учредителями премии являются Государственный Исторический музей Министерства культуры Российской Федерации, Институт российской истории Российской академии наук и Благотворительный фонд имени святителя Григория Богослова. Учредители премии им. И.Е.Забелина создают Почетный попечительский совет, в который входят видные деятели культуры, науки, церкви и бизнеса.
Премия имеет шесть номинаций:
первая – одна
вторая – две
третья – три

Одна вторая и одна третья премии выделяются музеям регионального подчинения и могут быть отданы музеям федерального подчинения только при отсутствии соискателей от регионов. Одна премия выделяется для работ по церковно-исторической проблематике.
Размер премиального фонда определяется ежегодно Благотворительным фондом имени святителя Григория Богослова.
Премии присуждаются за работы в области истории России, источниковедения, историографии, истории материальной культуры, изобразительного и декоративно-прикладного искусства, музееведения, памятниковедения, культурологии, исторического краеведения, изучения музейных фондов, экспозиционно-выставочной, просветительной и образовательной деятельности.
Научные исследования, выдвигаемые на соискание премий имени И.Е.Забелина, должны быть выполнены с использованием источниковой базы, являться самостоятельными оригинальными работами, имеющими научное и практическое значение и опубликованными в отечественных или зарубежных изданиях не менее чем за 1 год до выдвижения.
Для авторов, не являющихся сотрудниками музеев федерального подчинения, допускается представление материала в виде переплетенной компьютерной распечатки рукописи или подготовленных к изданию материалов.
Кандидатуры соискателей на премию имени И.Е.Забелина выдвигаются учеными советами музеев Российской Федерации, проблемными советами Государственного Исторического музея и представляются Ученому совету Государственного Исторического музея до 15 ноября года премирования с приложением работы, решения соответствующего совета и сведений об авторе (авторах), после чего рассматриваются Экспертной комиссией Ученого совета Государственного Исторического музея с участием представителя соучредителя премии имени И.Е.Забелина.
На премию имени И.Е.Забелина могут выдвигаться как работы отдельных авторов, так и коллективные исследования сотрудников музеев (не более 5 человек). В отдельных случаях допускается выдвижение работ, где наряду с сотрудниками музеев в авторском коллективе участвуют работники других научных организаций.
Решение о присуждении премии имени И.Е.Забелина принимается Ученым советом Государственного Исторического музея тайным голосованием и оформляется совместным документом учредителей.
Повторное присуждение премии имени И.Е.Забелина не производится.
Лауреаты премий имени И.Е.Забелина получают памятную медаль, диплом и денежную премию. Диплом подписывается руководителями организаций-учредителей премии имени И.Е.Забелина. Награждение лауреатов производится на расширенном заседании Ученого совета Государственного Исторического музея, приуроченном к международному дню музеев 18 мая.
Основные правила представления работ, выдвигаемых на соискание премии имени И.Е.Забелина
1. На соискание премии имени И.Е.Забелина должны представляться работы (научные исследования), выполненные только сотрудниками музеев исторического профиля.
2. Работа может представляться в виде книги, автором которой является соискатель, сборника документов, каталога, справочника или определителя, составленных соискателем, и монографии иного рода, опубликованного подробного доклада и реферата о проделанных соискателем исследованиях.
3. Желательно вместе с работой представлять и имеющиеся отзывы на нее в печатных изданиях – либо в виде самих публикаций, либо в виде ксерокопий (с указанием издания).
4. Решение ученого совета музея, выдвигающего работу на соискание премии, или выписка из него в части выдвижения работы, должны обязательно иметь:
полное название самой работы, фамилию, имя и отчество (полностью) соискателя, его должность, ученые степени и звания;
четкую и однозначную формулировку признаков, которыми руководствовался ученый совет, принимая решение о выдвижении работы.

5. Решение (выписка из решения) должно быть подписано председателем ученого совета, его секретарем и заверено печатью музея (не обязательно гербовой). Желательно, чтобы были указаны почтовый адрес, телефон, факс имя и отчество секретаря ученого совета для оперативного решения возникающих вопросов в рабочем порядке.
6. К грубым нарушениям оформления относятся: представление работы, автор которой не является сотрудником музея или работает в музее по совместительству; представление работы, выполненной коллективом исследователей, часть которых не являются сотрудниками музея; представление сборника трудов музея (сборника выступлений на конференции или сборника рефератов и статей) в качестве коллективного исследования, в то время как каждая статья в нем является фактически самостоятельной работой конкретного автора; представление работы, результаты которой опубликованы менее чем за год до ее выдвижения.
7. Присланные в ГИМ работы соискателей не возвращаются музеям независимо от результатов их рассмотрения.
Ученый секретарь ГИМ
Телефон/факс: 692 53 10
e-mail: shm@shm.ru larisa.shatsillo@yandex.ru

Дедлайн: до 15 ноября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.08.2012, 00:32   #257
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
По умолчанию

Senior Research Fellow, University of Liverpool Management School
Senior Research Fellow

£48,247 - £59,304 pa

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Liverpool Management School

Location: Liverpool City Centre

Ref: R-580047/WWW

Closing date for receipt of applications: 14 September 2012

Дедлайн 14 сентября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.08.2012, 00:34   #258
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
По умолчанию

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Translational Medicine, Liverpool
Postdoctoral Research Associate

£31,020 pa

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Institute of Translational Medicine

Location: Liverpool City Centre

Ref: R-580283/WWW

Closing date for receipt of applications: 7 September 2012

You will join a Neuroblastoma Society funded project to undertake an investigation into the mechanisms controlling MYCN expression in MYCN-amplified Neuroblastoma cells. The project will require the use of chick embryos and associated in vitro systems along with tissue culture and fluorescence imaging. You should have a PhD in cell and developmental biology or cancer biology. The post is available for 1 year.

Дедлайн 7 сентября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.08.2012, 00:38   #259
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
По умолчанию

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, Department of Eye and Vision Science, Liverpool
Postdoctoral Research Associate

£31,020 - £32,900 pa

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, Department of Eye and Vision Science

Location: Liverpool City Centre

Ref: R-580263/WWW

Closing date for receipt of applications: 7 September 2012

We are looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual, with excellent academic track record, to investigate the molecular mechanism of action of the apoptosis-specific p53-effector PERP. The project extends our studies of PERP and interacting proteins in modulating apoptosis and other cellular functions in ocular and non ocular cells using in vitro experimental approaches.

You should have a PhD in molecular/cellular biology/biochemistry, with a clear commitment to research. You will carry out high quality research in a supportive environment with opportunities to develop supervisory skills, contribute to collaborations, dissemination of results and new research proposals. The post is available for 3 years.

Дедлайн 7 сентября 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 27.08.2012, 00:42   #260
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
По умолчанию

Research Assistant/Research Associate, Institute of Translational Medicine, Liverpool
Research Assistant/Research Associate

£26,004 - £35,939 pa

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Institute of Translational Medicine

Location: Liverpool City Centre

Ref: R-580284/WWW

Closing date for receipt of applications: 29 August 2012

An opportunity is available to join the Medial Research Council (MRC) funded North West Hub for Trials Methodology Research, University of Liverpool, to undertake research in rare disease clinical trials. The prime objectives of the post are to undertake a review of clinical trials in rare diseases to describe the methodology that has been used in practice and identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. You will also contribute to the development of a workshop on clinical trials in rare diseases.

You should have a 1st class honours or a 2:1 degree in a subject with a strong statistics component and an MSc in Medical Statistics. Previous research experience in clinical trials and medical statistics is desirable. The post is available until 30 September 2013

Дедлайн 29 августа
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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