14.10.2011, 22:12 | #1 |
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Анонсы зарубежных конференций
Обратите внимание также на онлайн-каталоги предстоящих конференций за рубежом:
(если вы знаете подобные каталоги, сообщите о них модератору для добавления в этот список) NB! Дискуссии об анонсах конференций прошу вести в отдельной теме: Обсуждение анонсов конференций, etc. Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 09.03.2012 в 11:54. |
Реклама | |
31.07.2012, 03:12 | #81 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CSE13)
SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CSE13)
February 25-March 1, 2013 The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA SUBMISSION DEADLINES ARE APPROACHING! August 13, 2012: Minisymposium proposals September 10, 2012: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers Visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/submissions.php to submit. Twitter hashtag: #SIAMcse13 For more information about the conference, visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/ or contact SIAM Conference Department at meetings@siam.org. The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA February 25-March 1, 2013 DEADLINES: August 13, 2012 |
31.07.2012, 03:13 | #82 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
SPE & SIAM Conference: Mathematical Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Simulation of Giant Oil and Gas Reservoirs
SPE & SIAM Conference: Mathematical Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Simulation of Giant Oil and Gas Reservoirs September 3-5, 2012, Swissotel, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.spe.org/events/lsrs/2012/.../committee.php Registration deadline: 3rd of August COMMITTEE: Ali Dogru (Committee Chairman), Saudi Aramco; David Keyes (Co-Chair), SIAM, KAUST; Mary Wheeler (Co-Chair), University of Texas at Austin; Serdar Celebi (Co-Chair), Istanbul Technical University; Ahmet Duran, Istanbul Technical University; Andrey Gladkov, Modeling Technologies Center; Bret Beckner, ExxonMobil; Carol Woodward, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Garfield R. Bowen, Schlumberger; Gregory King, Chevron; Hector Klie, ConocoPhillips; Jeroen C. Vink, Shell; Kees Vuik, Delft University of Technology; Khalid Aziz, Stanford University; Klaus Stueben, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI); Knut-Andreas Lie SINTEF; Long Nghiem, Computer Modelling Group; Michel Kern, INRIA Rocquencourt; Patrick Demichel, Hewlett Packard; Philippe Quandalle, IFP Energies Nouvelles; Philippe Thierry, Intel; Ruben Juanes, MIT; Shuhong Wu, PetroChina; Ulisses Mello, IBM; Vasilii Shelkov, Rock Flow Dynamics. SESSIONS: Session 1: HPC Trends and Fast Solution Methods (Linear and Nonlinear); Session 2: Multiphysics and Complex Model Challenges; Session 3: Multiscale Modelling; Session 4: Reservoir Management, Optimisation, Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantifications; Session 5: Large Scale Data Reduction/Compression, Mining and Visualisation; Session 6: Lessons in Large Scale Computing in E&P and Other Application Areas; Panel Session: Spatial and Temporal Discretisation for Coupled Non-Linear PDEs; Panel Session: Challenges in Reservoir Simulation; Panel Session: Exploitation of Nonhomogeneous Processing: Extreme Computing Hardware and Software. Swissotel, Istanbul, Turkey September 3-5, 2012 |
31.07.2012, 03:15 | #83 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization in Constraint Programming
Call for Abstracts Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization in Constraint Programming To be held within the 18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2012), Québec City, Canada https://sites.google.com/site/minlpworkshop2012 This workshop has the purpose of bringing together scholars that work on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems, which combine nonlinear constraints with integrality on one or more variables. The organizing committee invites submissions of a short abstract (not more than 4000 characters) describing original work on a problem or application of MINLP, CP, or both, with a special emphasis on the nonlinear characteristics of the problem. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - Domain reduction techniques in Global optimization; - Quadratically constrained quadratic programming; - Reformulations in MINLP solvers; - Using CP methods in MINLP solvers; - Software for MINLP and CP; - Decomposition techniques for large scale MINLP and CP problems; - Challenging real-world applications of MINLP and CP. The submissions will be evaluated by the program committee and a selection of abstracts will be admitted for presentation at the workshop. Registration at the CP2012 conference is necessary to attend and present at the workshop. Abstracts can be emailed to Pietro Belotti (pbelott@clemson.edu). August 31, 2012: Abstract submission due September 15, 2012: Notification of acceptance Québec City, Canada Oct 2012 |
31.07.2012, 23:16 | #84 |
Advanced Member
Регистрация: 07.10.2008
Сообщений: 327
1st International Academic Conference on Applied and Fundamental Studies
Скрытый текст
Оргкомитет Международной научной конференции, International Journal of Advanced Studies и Publishing House "Science & Innovation Center" (St. Louis, Missouri, USA) приглашают Вас принять участие в конференции, которая состоится 27-28 октября 2012 г. и пройдет в дистанционном формате.
Заявки на участие и доклады к публикации принимаются до 20 октября 2012 года. Материалы конференции будут опубликованы в форме сборника научных статей, разосланы авторам и по основным библиотекам ЕС и РФ в ноябре 2012 г., а так же доступны в электронном виде на сайте. Сборнику будет присвоен международный ISBN и выходные данные издательства Publishing House "Science & Innovation Center" (St. Louis, USA). http://conf-afs.com pub@conf-afs.com October 27-28, 2012 St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
08.08.2012, 22:38 | #85 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
Berlin PUM Workshop 2012
Subject: Berlin PUM Workshop, Germany, Aug 2012 The "Berlin PUM Workshop 2012" will take place August 22-24 at the Humboldt- University in Berlin, Germany. The focus lies on the analysis and application of numerical approaches based on the Partition of Unity Method such as GFEM, XFEM and Meshfree Methods. Practitioners as well as numerical analysts are invited to join in the discussion of recent results and future developments in this field. The invited speakers are: Stéphane Bordas (Cardiff School of Engineering, UK) Armando Duarte (University of Illinois, USA) Markus Melenk (TU Wien, Austria) Yves Renard (INSA de Lyon, France) Marc Alexander Schweitzer (Universität Stuttgart, Germany) For more details visit http://www.math.hu-berlin.de/~berlin-pum-workshop2012/ You may contact berlin-pum-workshop2012@math.hu-berlin.de for questions regarding the workshop. With kind regards from the organizers, Andreas Byfut, Martin Eigel, Andreas Schröder August 22-24 Humboldt- University in Berlin, Germany |
08.08.2012, 22:41 | #86 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
Workshop on Discretization Methods for Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes
Workshop on Discretization Methods for Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes September 17-19, 2012 University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy Main topics of the Workshop include (but are not limited to): Mimetic Finite Difference methods Virtual Element Methods Polygonal/Polyhedral Finite Element Methods Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Extended Finite Element Methods Isogeometric analysis Invited Speakers: F. Bassi (Univ. of Bergamo), F. Brezzi (IMATI Pavia), A. Buffa (IMATI Pavia), K. Hormann (Univ. of Lugano), P. Houston (Univ. of Nottingham), K. Lipnikov (LANL), D.L. Marini (Univ. of Pavia), G. Paulino (Univ. of Illinois), G. Sangalli (Univ. of Pavia), N. Sukumar (UC Davis) There is no registration fee, please register by September 12. For more details and registration go to http://k.matapp.unimib.it/WSVEM-2012/index.shtml or contact directly the organizers Lourenço Beirão da Veiga (University of Milan, Italy) Andrea Cangiani (University of Leicester, UK) Gianmarco Manzini (Los Alamos National Laboratory, US) Alessandro Russo (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy) University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy September 17-19, 2012 Deadline September 12, 2012 |
08.08.2012, 22:48 | #87 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
Structured Numerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra. Problems: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications
Subject: Numerical Linear & Multilinear Algebra, Belgium, Sep 2012 The conference on "Structured Numerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra Problems: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications" will be held at the Department of Computer Science of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 September 2012. https://www.cs.kuleuven.be/conference/sla2012/ This is the fifth edition after the conferences held in Cortona in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. The conference is intended to be very informal with a strong interaction between the participants. Therefore parallel sessions are avoided and the number of talks is limited to 50 where each lecture is 30 minutes. The preliminary programme and corresponding abstracts, can be found on the website. If you intend to participate, registration is open till the end of August. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 September 2012 |
13.08.2012, 23:08 | #88 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
Workshop on Image Based Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization
Target audience: biomedical engineers interesting in using computational tools to support research and development across a broad application spectrum. Workshop goals: to use lectures, demos, and hands-on experience to learn about a complete computational pipeline including: 1) visualization and segmentation of three-dimensional image based data sets; 2) shape analysis of anatomical structures from image data; 3) construction of polygonal models of surfaces and volumes from these images for subsequent analysis, visualization of measured data, simulation, or other forms of computation; and 4) simulation of bioelectric fields that arise in electrocardiology and neuroelectricity. Each participant will receive a complete set of binary executables, source code, demo data, and documentation for all elements of the pipeline software. Presenters: member of the Center for Integrated Biomedical Computing (CIBC) will staff the workshop, present demos, help answer questions during the labs, and discuss research applications with users. Prerequisites: participants should bring a laptop of at least moderate capacity and up to date operating system (Windows or OSX) and graphics-card drivers. While participants are encouraged to bring their own data, we will provide examples for use during the workshop. More information: http://www.sci.utah.edu/cibcwksp2012-home.html. Rob MacLeod (macleod@sci.utah.edu); Dana Brooks (brooks@ece.neu.edu) Aug 2012, USA |
19.08.2012, 01:00 | #89 |
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
Конференция "Евразия и проблемы глобальной безопасности"
Уважаемые коллеги!
"Русский культурный информационный центр", Фонд "Устойчивого развития"- София, Геополитический центр Евразия - София и др. организуют 21-22 ноября в Софии Международную научно-теоретическую конференцию на тему: "Евразия и проблемы глобальной безопасности". Намечаются три основных проблемных круга: 1. "Проблемы безопасности на постсоветском/евразийском пространстве"; 2. "Проблемы безопасности ЕС- Евразия"; 3. "Евразия /Хартленд/ как ось глобальной безопасности". Прошу высылать предложения и подтвердить готовность к участию по следующим эл. адресам: info@rkic-bg.com Konsnantin Peev ; Petko_Ganchev@abv.bg Prof. Petko Ganchev София, Болгария, 21-22 ноября 2012 |
21.08.2012, 02:19 | #90 |
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
Сообщений: 1,218
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS13)
Organizing Committee Co-chairs: Charles Doering, University of Michigan, USA; George Haller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Location: Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Snowbird, Utah, USA Dates: May 19 – 23, 2013 Invited Speakers: Lora Billings, Montclair State University, USA Adrian Constantin, King's College London, United Kingdom Jeff Hasty, University of California, San Diego, USA Paul Johnson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Katharina Krischer, Technische Universität München, Germany Mark Levi, Pennsylvania State University, USA Alexander Lipton, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Imperial College London, United Kingdom Jean-Luc Thiffeault, University of Wisconsin, USA Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at: http://www.siam.org/meetings/ds13/ Twitter hashtag: #SIAMDS13 October 22, 2012: Minisymposium proposals November 19, 2012: Abstract submissions due November 5, 2012: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department (meetings@siam.org). Location: Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Snowbird, Utah, USA Dates: May 19 – 23, 2013 |