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Старый 14.10.2011, 22:12   #1
Аватар для watteau
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Стрелка Анонсы зарубежных конференций

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Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 09.03.2012 в 11:54.
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Старый 14.10.2011, 22:12   #2
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The Many Headed Hydra 10 Years On
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Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker’s The Many Headed Hydra (2000) argued that during the colonial and commercial expansion in the Atlantic Ocean between c. 1640 and 1830 a revolutionary proletariat emerged. Waves of commodification in the Atlantic system – of land, goods and people – created a mobile, multi-ethnic workforce. Authorities attempted to control them, only to provoke new forms of resistance. Atlantic proletarians played their own distinct part in the Age of Revolutions and the abolition of slavery; they created their own forms of equality and freedom. A decade after the publication of that highly suggestive study, how does the thesis stand up?

At this conference to be held at Birkbeck, University of London in Thursday 12 April 2012, we will hope to explore the book’s central themes in the light of new research, as well as taking it into new areas. The book concentrated on the English-speaking Atlantic and we would particularly encourage papers dealing with the non-English Atlantic or similar developments in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and Pacific. We would hope papers pay attention to the intersections between class, gender and race. All sub-disciplinary perspectives – economic, social, cultural, political – are welcome.

Themes for papers could include:

· The politics and ideology of the proletariat: abolitionism, revolutions and revolts, popular egalitarianism and democracy, radical religion.

· Types of work and workers; changing work processes; migration and labour markets; industrial relations; work cultures.

· Sites of struggle: the commons, the plantation, ships, factories. How did they structure workers’ experiences? Are particular types of resistance associated with them? Were there others?

· Material and economic pathways: the role of oceanic trade routes, commodities, natural resources, technologies etc

· Role of institutions (e.g. trading companies, guilds), States and Empires in creating and regulating the workforce; criminal justice and law; army and naval recruitment; taxation.

· Comparative perspectives between different Atlantic Empires or with the Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

· Long-term perspectives; sources & methodology; theory.

Call for papers deadline: January 1st 2012

Email: manyheadedhydra.2012@gmail.com

Organisers: William Farrell, School of History, Birkbeck, Univ. of London.

Email: wjb.farrell@gmail.com

Stephen Duane Dean Jr, Department of History, Kings College London.

Email: stephen.d.dean@gmail.com

Лондон, 12 апреля 2012

Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 13.11.2011 в 12:10.
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Старый 14.10.2011, 22:15   #3
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“Revolutionary Aftermaths”
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2012 Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) invites proposals for panels and individual papers at its annual conference to be held June 28-30, 2012 at the Hartford Marriott Downtown, Hartford, Connecticut – within two hours of Boston and New York. Proposals must be submitted via the on-line interfacewww.shafr.org/conferences/annual/2012-annual-meeting/ by December 1, 2011 in order to receive full consideration.

The conference convenes in Hartford two hundred years after the start of the War of 1812 – a conflict often referred to as the second American Revolution, typically remembered for its origins in impressment disputes and trade embargoes and for its legacies for Native peoples and nation building. This anniversary invites reflection on the meanings of independence in an interdependent world, on the interplay between national self-assertion and imperial politics, and on U.S.-Canadian relations. The 1814 Hartford Convention, in which representatives from New England states considered seceding from the union that frustrated their commercial ambitions, brings to mind the importance of capitalist interests, the connections between seemingly domestic and foreign struggles, and the historical significance of polities other than nations. It shows, furthermore, how American engagement with the wider world could be either revolutionary or counter-revolutionary – or, as in the aftermath of the War of 1812, both simultaneously.

In encouraging proposals relating to “revolutionary aftermaths,” the Program Committee implies a broad definition of “revolution,” applying not only to political movements such as the U.S., French, Haitian, Mexican, Bolshevik, Chinese, Cuban, Iranian, and recent Middle Eastern revolutions, but also to developments such as the industrial, communications, transportation, consumer, and green revolutions. Keeping in mind the cataclysmic vision of modernization gone bad offered by Hartford resident Mark Twain at the close of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, we hope the conference will foster conversations on efforts to grapple with revolutionary changes as well as the ways we make sense of such changes across space and time.

Although the Program Committee will give preference to panels that address the “revolutionary aftermaths” theme, it also welcomes proposals on other topics pertaining to U.S. relations with the wider world, including (but not limited to) state-to-state relations, global governance, transnational movements, and histories of mobility, borderlands, and empire.

Since proposals for complete panels with a coherent theme will be favored over individual paper proposals, those seeking to create or fill out a panel should consult the “panelists seeking panelists” link on the SHAFR 2012 Annual Meeting web page. A complete panel usually involves either three papers plus chair and commentator (with the possibility of one person fulfilling the latter two roles) or a roundtable discussion with a chair and three to five participants. The Committee is open to alternative formats, which should be described briefly in the proposal. We request that applicants have no more than two roles at the conference, and only one presentation of their own research.

Graduate students and first-time participants are eligible to receive fellowships to subsidize the cost of attending the conference. Please see the announcements below for details and additional materials required. The application deadline is December 1, 2011.

All proposals should be submitted via the web at
Applicants requiring alternative means to submit the proposal should contact program-chair@shafr.org.

SHAFR 2012 Program Committee
David Engerman and Kristin Hoganson, co-chairs

Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants
In 2012, SHAFR will offer several Robert A. and Barbara Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants to assist graduate students who present papers at the conference. The following stipulations apply: 1) no award will exceed $300 per student; 2) priority will be given to graduate students who receive no or limited funds from their home institutions; and 3) expenses will be reimbursed by the SHAFR Business Office upon submission of receipts. The Program Committee will make the decision regarding all awards. A graduate student requesting travel funds must make a request when submitting the paper/panel proposal. Applications should consist of a concise letter from the prospective participant requesting funds and an accompanying letter from the graduate advisor confirming the unavailability of departmental funds to cover travel to the conference. These two items should be submitted to divinegrants@shafr.org at the time the panel or paper proposal is submitted. Funding requests will have no bearing on the committee’s decisions on panels, but funds will not be awarded unless the applicant’s panel is accepted by the program committee in a separate decision. Requests must be Application
deadline: December 1, 2011.

SHAFR Diversity and International Outreach Fellowship Program

SHAFR also offers competitive Diversity and International Outreach Fellowships that will cover travel and lodging expenses for the 2012 annual meeting. The competition is aimed at scholars whose participation in the annual meeting would add to the diversity of the Society. Preference will be given to persons who have not previously presented at SHAFR annual meetings. The awards are intended for scholars who represent groups historically under-represented at SHAFR meetings, scholars who offer intellectual approaches that may be fruitful to SHAFR but are under-represented at annual meetings, and scholars from outside the United States. “Scholars” includes faculty, graduate students, and independent researchers. To further acquaint the winners with SHAFR, they will also be awarded a one-year membership in the organization, which includes subscriptions to Diplomatic History and Passport.

Applicants should submit a copy of their individual paper proposal along with a short cv (2-page maximum) and a brief (2-3-paragraph) essay addressing the fellowship criteria (and including data on previous SHAFR meetings attended and funding received from SHAFR). Please submit your application to diversityprogram@shafr.org. Funding requests will have no bearing on the committee’s decisions on panels, but funds will not be awarded unless the applicant’s panel is accepted by the program committee in a separate decision. Application deadline: December 1, 2011.

David Engerman and Kristin Hoganson
Email: program-chair@shafr.org
Visit the website at http://www.shafr.org/conferences/ann...nnual-meeting/

США, 28-30 июня 2012
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Старый 11.11.2011, 17:51   #4
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"Belief, Tradition, and Identity as Vernacular Practices: Current Issues in Ethnology and Folkloristics"

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International Conference of Young Folklorists
Theoretical Frames and Empirical Research
April 15-17, 2012

Place: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. Antakalnio 6, LT-10308 Vilnius, Lithuania
Deadline to submit an abstract: January 20, 2012
Organizer: The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore in Vilnius
Partner: Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore in University of Tartu

Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore and Department of Ethnology of University of Tartu hosted in May 2011 a symposium of young folklorists titled "Belief, Tradition, and Identity as Vernacular Practices: Current Issues in Ethnology and Folkloristics". This forthcoming conference in Vilnius is a continuation of this idea and seeks to establish a tradition of organizing annual academic meetings of young folklorists taking place alternately in Tartu (Estonia) and Vilnius (Lithuania).
The main goals of the International Conference of Young Folklorists in Vilnius 2012 are:
• Bring together students and young researchers of folklore from different countries and continents to present and compare different ways of folklore research.
• Foster academic communication between young folklorists.
• Encourage young scholars to raise and tackle theoretical research questions and discussions.

The topic of this year’s conference Theoretical frames and empirical research aims to focus the attention of young scholars on negotiating between two important poles of any scientific research – theory and practice. We use theory not only to systematize our knowledge or to choose methodology for empirical research, but theory defines the goals and objects of our discipline. Through theoretical discussions we also enter the interdisciplinary field of human sciences, making our approach and methods comprehensible for others as well as for ourselves. While different researchers have a different attitude towards theory, national schools and research traditions also play an important role. However, it is impossible to bypass theory when we need to locate our research in a particular context, choose methodology or provide arguments in support of our thesis. Young folklorists’ take on theory, their problems and achievements in negotiating between theory and empirical practice shape the future of our discipline and its research objects.
Practical Details:
• Please submit an abstract (max 250 words) by January 20, 2012 by e-mail: linute.arch@gmail.com Please include your name, affiliation, position and e-mail address.
• We kindly ask expect to hear back from organizers regarding the acceptance of your proposal by 3rd of February.
• The working language of the conference will be English. Each paper will be given 20 minutes for presentation with 10 minutes for discussion.
• The working days of the conference are 15th - 16th of April, and the 17th of April is the excursion day.
• The conference program will include excursions to the Folklore Archives of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore as well as to Vilnius with its surroundings.
• There is no registration fee but participants are expected to cover their travel and living expenses

Lina Sokolovaitė
e-mail: linute.arch@gmail.com
phone: +370 656 58394

Вильнюс, 20 января 2012
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Старый 14.11.2011, 18:07   #5
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Call for papers: Historical Materialism Conference “Spaces of capital, spaces of resistance” Toronto, Canada May 11-13, 2012 (Proposal Deadline: January 15, 2012)
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Following on the successes of the two previous North American Historical Materialism Conferences at York University (2008 and 2010), we are pleased to issue a call for papers for our third conference. In light of the continuing instability of global capitalism and the mounting resistances from Egypt to the Occupy Movement, our over-riding theme will be “Spaces of Capital, Spaces of
Resistance.” But we welcome all contributions that contribute to critical knowledge on the activist and scholarly Left and the development of historical materialism as a living research program. We specifically welcome papers dealing with The Spaces of Power; Critical Theory and the Politics of Liberation; Capital and its Discontents; Modes and Movements of Resistance.

We welcome individual submissions as well as panel proposals. For individual papers, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words. Panel organizers should submit a 100-word panel abstract along with individual paper abstracts of no more than 250-words for each paper to be presented as part of the panel. We will formulate the conference itinerary based upon the broad themes generated through the submission process. Proposals will be accepted until January 15, 2012 by email to historicalmaterialism12@gmail.com. We apologize, but cannot accommodate requests to present on specific days, so please be prepared to attend the full three days of the conference.
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Старый 14.11.2011, 18:10   #6
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ECPR Standing Group on the European Union “Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics” University of Tampere, Finland September 13-15, 2012 (Deadline: January 15, 2012)
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The ECPR Standing Group on the European Union is organizing its Sixth Pan-European Conference. It will be hosted by the University of Tampere, Finland from 13 to 15 September 2012. The Standing Group's Pan-European Conference is the largest academic conference on the European Union in Europe and brings together scholars working on the European Union from all over the world.

The Conference has eleven sections covering major fields of current research on the EU.

o Theories of European Integration

o EU Institutions and EU Politics

o EU and Domestic Politics

o Public Opinion, Party Politics and Interest Groups

o Political Economy of the EU

o EU Foreign Policy and External Relations

o The EU and Conflict Resolution

o The EU: Challenges and Reforms

o Gender and Diversity

o Immigration, Migration and Asylum

o New Developments in Research on the EU

The program chair will accept proposals for BOTH individual papers and whole panels (including a maximum of four papers). Proposals should be made online. You can find the conference information on the Standing Group website (http://ecpr-sgeu.sabanciuniv.edu/)

Proposals for individual papers should include the name, affiliation, and contact details (including email address) for all paper authors, as well as a brief (max. 150 word) abstract and paper title.

Proposals for whole panels should include the full details for each paper (as above), plus the name, affiliation, and contact details for the panel convenor, chair, and discussant, as well as a short (max. 100 word) panel synopsis.

In all cases, persons making proposals should indicate which of the conference themes they feel their proposal best addresses.

The deadline for proposals is 15 January 2012

The conference program is divided into 11 sections under the chairmanship of Professor Thomas König of the University of Mannheim. The sections and section chairs are as follows:

· Theories of European Integration chaired by Jonas Tallberg. This section covers the study of European integration with particular emphasis on theoretical development.

· EU Institutions and EU Politics chaired by Fabio Franchino. This section covers the study of European institutions with emphasis on decision making.

· EU and Domestic Politics chaired by Robert Thomson. This section covers the impact of European on domestic politics and domestic on European politics.

· Public Opinion, Party Politics and Interest Groups chaired by Brooke Luetgert. This section covers the public attitudes, political parties’ positions and private viewpoints on European politics

· Political Economy of the EU chaired by Thomas Bräuninger. This section covers the study of the European Union with particular emphasis on the interactions between politics and economics more general.

· EU Foreign Policy and External Relations chaired by Stefania Panebianco. This section covers all aspects related to external economic and foreign relations.

· The EU and Conflict Resolution chaired by Gerald Schneider. This section covers all aspects of EU conflict resolution in- and outside of the EU.

· The EU: Challenges and Reforms chaired by Adrienne Héritier. This section looks at the external and internal challenges confronted by the EU, and how the EU responds to them institutionally and policy-wise.

· Gender and Diversity chaired by Yvonne Galligan. This section covers the study of European integration with a particular emphasis on issues of gender, identity and diversity.

· Immigration, Migration and Asylum chaired by Andrew Geddes. This section covers all aspects related to migration, internal security and citizens' freedom.

· New developments in Research on the EU chaired Simon Hug. This section covers new developments in the scientific analysis of the EU.

Emails concerning the conference should be sent to tampere@uni-mannheim.de.

If you would like to sign up for information about the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, please send a blank email to our list-serve. This will register you as an individual member of the Standing Group and bring you into our (moderated) mailing list. You do not have to make a proposal to the conference in order to join the list.
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Старый 14.11.2011, 18:11   #7
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“Africa's Disputed Borderlands: Responses from Multiple Disciplinary Perspectives” Conference of the African Studies Association Cologne, Germany May 30-June 2, 2012 (Deadline: November 30, 2011)
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You are kindly invited to submit paper proposals for Panel #14 titled "Africa's Disputed Borderlands: Responses from Multiple Disciplinary Perspectives" at the upcoming Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany (VAD). Titled “Embattled Spaces – Contested Orders”, it will be held May 30-June 2, 2012 at the University Campus Cologne, Germany.

Our Panel 14 aims at exploring the complexity of present-day border disputes in Africa and their legacy (i.e. economic, political, social, and cultural) for the borderlands in question, both in comparative perspective and through the single case study approach. It will be co-chaired by Alexander Zhukov (Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Aleksi Ylönen (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (HSFK).

For the past half a century, post-colonial borders have been a major “apple of discord” between tates in Africa, leading to numerous political disputes and, in extreme cases, unilateral attempts to seize the contested borderlands by force. Although most of these territorial conflicts, generally considered as the legacy of colonialism, have by now disappeared from the official agenda of inter-state relations, they still cause tensions at the grassroots level and appear to offer

political base for secessionist movements. This is the case, inter alia, of the Cameroonian Bakassi peninsula and the Ogaden region of Ethiopia.

On the contrary, border disputes that have grown out of disintegration processes of the last two decades, rather than the colonial politics, tend to be more important for the present-day intergovernmental relations. A “frozen” border conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, the problem of the border zone and the special status territories (such as Abyei, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile) between North and South Sudan, a territorial dispute between the unrecognized state of

Somaliland and the autonomous Somali region of Puntland, as well as the status of Awdalland within Somaliland itself, may serve as eloquent examples herewith. While the issue of borderlands in Africa has traditionally been the focus of research for many historians, economists, and political scientists particularly interested in the post-colonial history of Africa and contemporary African development, it has also drawn considerable attention of social and cultural

anthropologists, whose interests include various aspects of conflict of identity and the interrelation between state borders and social borders. The panel aims at exploring the complexity of present-day border disputes in Africa and their legacy (i.e. economic, political, social, and cultural) for the borderlands in question, both in comparative perspective and through case study approach.

By taking the comparative perspective, presenters shall explore the commonalities and differences between the disputed territories in question and the political and socioeconomic paths they have followed prior to and after the beginning of the conflicts.

The complexity of the problems to be addressed by the panel requires an interdisciplinary setting. Papers are invited on a wide range of related issues, such as local socioeconomic changes caused by inter-state and intra-state conflicts, cross-border trade and migration, arms smuggling and inter-communal violence, ethnic identity and mobilization in “politically sensitive” borderlands etc., both in the recent history and current contexts.

Please send your paper proposals (not more than 300 words) by November 30, 2011 to the following address:

VAD-2012@uni-koeln.de with the indication of the panel number.

Further information on the conference and instructions for paper-givers at:

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Старый 17.11.2011, 15:13   #8
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Конференция, посвященная юмору
Краков, 25-29 июня 2012
P.S. рассматриваются также фольклорные аспекты юмора.
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Старый 28.11.2011, 01:03   #9
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Конференция "Человек в пространстве языка"
Уважаемые коллеги,
приглашаем ученых, преподавателей и докторантов принять участие в международной научной конференции «Человек в пространстве языка», организуемой Каунасским гуманитарным факультетом Вильнюсского университета.
Организационный комитет

Каунасский гуманитарный факультет


7 Международная научная конференция
«Человек в пространстве языка»

Конференция состоится 18-19 мая 2012 года на Каунасском гуманитарном факультете по адресу: ул. Муйтинес 8, LT-44280, Каунас.

Языки конференции: английский, литовский, немецкий, русский

Темы конференции:
 Лингвистика
 Литературоведение
 Дидактика
 Культурология
 Проблемы теории перевода

Важные даты:

До 31 марта 2012 г. ждем анкеты участников с темами научных докладов, если нужна виза, то до 1 марта 2012 г.
До 14 мая 2012 г. сообщим предварительную программу конференции.

Регистрационный взнос (30 €) нужно будет внести по приезде на конференцию.

Председатель Оргкомитета конференции – доц. др. Д. Делтувене (КГФ Вильнюсского университета, Литва).

Оргкомитет конференции:

Проф. др. Наталия Кузмина (Омский государственный университет им. Ф. Достоевского, Россия)
Проф. др. Казимеж Люцински (Академия Святого Креста в Кельцах, Польша)
Проф. др. Олег Поляков (Вильнюсский университет, Литва)
Проф. др. Елена Ремчукова (Российский университет Дружбы Народов, Россия)
Проф. др. Николай Васькив (Каменец-Подольский национальный университет им. И. Огиенко, Украина)
Доц. др. Татьяна Бабко (Минский государственный лингвистический университет, Беларусь)
Доц. др. Юрий Машошин (Даугавпилсский университет, Латвия)
Доц. др. Вадим Шубин (Московский государственный гуманитарный университет, Россия)
Материалы конференции

Материалы конференции планируются опубликовать в периодическом издании «Человек в пространстве языка», поэтому статью (6 – 8 стр.) с резюме на английском, русском или литовском языках (если статья на русском языке, то резюме надо писать на литовском или английском языке, а если статья на английском или немецком языках, то резюме надо писать на русскои или литовском) просим прислать до 30 мая 2012 года.

Требования к оформлению статьи:

1. Статью представить в напечатанном виде. Текстовой редактор Word for Windows, шрифт Times New Roman. Текст макетируется на листе А4 формата. Интервал между строчками Single. Поля следующих размеров: сверху — 2,0 см, снизу — 2,0 см, слева — 2,0 см, справа — 2,0 см.
2. Части текста печатаются шрифтом следующих параметров величины и стиля: на первой странице (слева) пишется: полное имя и фамилия автора (12, Bold, Italic), ниже – полное название учебного заведения и его адрес (12, Normal, Italic), на следующей строчке адрес электронной почты (12, Normal, Italic). Далее пропустить строчку и посередине название статьи (12 Bold, UPPERCASE). Пропустив одну строчку, на языке статьи пишутся аннотация и ключевые слова (12, Normal, Italic). Основной текст печатается (12 Normal), таблицы (10 Normal), список литературы (10 Normal) в алфавитном порядке. После списка литературы: автор (10 Bold), организация (10 Normal), название статьи (10 Bold, UPPERCASE), резюме (10 Normal) и ключевые слова (10 Normal) пишутся на иностранном языке.
3. Библиографические отсылки в тексте оформляются следующим образом: в круглых скобках указывается фамилия автора, год издания, страница (или страницы) [напр.: (Баранов 2004, с. 242) ]
4. Список литературы оформляется: пример (НАКОРЯКОВА, К. М., 2006. Литературное редактирование. Общая методика работы над текстом: практикум. Москва: Икар, 432 с.

Неправильно оформленные статьи не принимаются.

Анкету участника конференции присылать по адресу:

Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas
Užsienio kalbų katedra
Muitinės g. 8, LT-44280, Kaunas
Тел.: (8~37) 422477
Факс: (8~37) 423222
Эл. почта: valentina.naumova@vukhf.lt

«Человек в пространстве языка»
18-19 мая 2012 года

Имя, фамилия (точные имя и фамилия из иностранного парспорта)_______________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Ученая степень и звание __________________________________________________ ___

Учебное заведение __________________________________________________ ________

Домашний адрес __________________________________________________ ________

Улица __________________________________________________ __________________

Почтовый индекс, город __________________________________________________ ___

Государство __________________________________________________ ____________

Тел.: __________________________________________________ ____________________

Эл. почта __________________________________________________ ________________

Тема доклада -__________________________________________________ ____________

__________________________________________________ _________________________

Буду участвовать в конференции без доклада отметить Х

Буду участвовать в конференции с докладом

Нужно ли место в гостинице (сколько дней и когда)?____________

в одноместном номере гостиницы: отметить Х
“Metropolis”– 110 Lt / 28 Eur (в сутки)

в двухместном номере гостиницы:
“Metropolis” – 145 Lt / 36 Eur (в сутки)

в одноместном номере гостиницы (экономический класс)
„Takioji Neris“ – 140 Lt/ 35 Eur

в двухместном номере гостицы (экономический класс)
„Takioji Neris“ – 192 Lt/ 48 Eur

Для оформления виз на въезд в Литву нужны данные:
Фамилия записанная в паспорте (латинская транскрипция)
__________________________________________________ _________

Гражданство____________________________ ____________________

Точный домашний адрес ______________________________________

Дата рождения__________________________________ ____________

Место рождения ____________________________________________

№ и серия заграничного паспорта______________________________

Каунас, 18-19 мая 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.12.2011, 00:47   #10
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
Сообщений: 7,156
По умолчанию

Конференция молодых филологов
С 16 по 18 февраля 2012 г. в Таллине состоится XIII Международная научная конференция молодых филологов.

В рамках конференции планируется работа следующих секций:

- Лингвистическая (тема – «Язык и межкультурные коммуникации»)
- Литературоведческая (тема – «Активное поле культуры»)

Приглашаем выступить с докладами студентов, магистрантов, докторантов и аспирантов.

Рабочие языки конференции: русский, английский, эстонский.

Регламент выступления — 20 минут.

Отбор участников проводится на конкурсной основе.

Для участия в конкурсе просим отправить тезисы объемом 1/2 страницы компьютерного набора, заполнив заявку на сайте конференции (www.mkmf.net).

Последний день подачи заявки: 15 декабря 2011 г.

Организаторы: Таллинский университет, Институт славянских языков и культур

Контактная информация: Нарвское шоссе, 29-334, 10120 Таллин, Эстония. Тел.: (+372) 6 409 332. Веб: www.mkmf.net

Эл. почта: mkmf.tlu@gmail.com

Таллин, 16-18 февраля 2012
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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