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Старый 14.10.2011, 22:12   #1
Аватар для watteau
Регистрация: 31.03.2005
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Стрелка Анонсы зарубежных конференций

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Последний раз редактировалось watteau; 09.03.2012 в 11:54.
watteau вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:03   #121
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South Central Conference on Advanced Numerical Methods and Application
Subject: Advanced Numerical Methods and Application, USA, Apr 2013

South Central Conference on Advanced Numerical Methods and Application
Location: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Time: April 5-7, 2013

Conference webpage:

Yanqiu Wang, Oklahoma State University
Xiu Ye, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The conference is sponsored by NSF, Oklahoma State University, and
University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

We hope this conference will bring together researchers of all career
stages, working on various aspects of numerical analysis and
scientific computing, from the south central region and other
surrounding states.

Location: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Time: April 5-7, 2013
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Старый 25.02.2013, 15:22   #122
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Swiss Numerics Colloquium, EPF Lausanne
Subject: Swiss Numerics Colloquium, EPFL, Switzerland, Apr 2013

This year's Swiss Numerics Colloquium will take place on April 5,
2013 at the EPF Lausanne, Switzerland. The conference aims at
bringing together researchers both from the academic and industrial
sectors in Switzerland.

We are excited to welcome two distinguished plenary speakers:
Prof. Annalisa Buffa (IMATI CNR) and Prof. Endre Suli (Oxford).

Further information can be found on the website:

The deadline for submitting presentations is March 4, 2013.

We kindly ask participants to register for the conference by
March 31, 2013 (even if they are not planning to present a talk
or a poster). There is no registration fee.

The organizers: Assyr Abdulle, Simone Deparis, Daniel Kressner,
Fabio Nobile, Marco Picasso, and Alfio Quarteroni.

on April 5, 2013
at the EPF Lausanne, Switzerland.
The deadline for submitting presentations is March 4, 2013.
Register for the conference by March 31, 2013
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:25   #123
Gold Member
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Workshop on Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging
Subject: Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging, USA, Apr 2013

Workshop on Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging
April 13, 2013, Purdue University

The Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM) is pleased
to announce a one day Workshop on Inverse Problems in Scattering and
Imaging on April 13, 2013 at Department of Mathematics, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

This workshop seeks to bring together researchers in various fields
that involve inverse problems in scattering and imaging. It aims to
offer a comfortable and spirited gathering at a small scale to promote
exchange of ideas between colleagues in modeling, analysis, and
computation of inverse problems along with applications, and to
explore future research directions.

Invited Speakers: Gang Bao, Joyce McLaughlin, Rosemary Renaut, John
Schotland, Hongkai Zhao

The conference is free of charge. However, advance registration is
required so that we can prepare name tags, conference packets and
refreshments. Deadline for registration as well as for submission of
titles and abstracts for contributed talks, is Friday, March 29,
2013. To register, please contact the organizers Jie Shen
(shen@math.purdue.edu) or Peijun Li (lipeijun@math.purdue.edu) and
send an email with subject line "Purdue Workshop". Please include your
full name, your institution, and your email address in the body of the

This conference is supported in part by the CCAM and NSF
DMS-1151308. For more information, please visit the web site at

April 13, 2013,
Purdue University, USA
The conference is free of charge.
Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2013
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Старый 25.02.2013, 15:26   #124
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Subject: European Finite Element Fair, Greece, May 2013

The 11th European Finite Element Fair (2013) will take place on May 31
- June, 2013, in ACMAC - Archimedes Center for Modeling, Analysis and
Computation, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

For registration, how to reach and further information, please see the
web page http://www.acmac.uoc.gr/EFEF2013/
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Старый 25.02.2013, 15:29   #125
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the 33th edition of Dynamics Days Europe (DDE-XXXIII)

Subject: Dynamics Days Europe XXXIII, Spain, Jun 2013

This is an announcement of the 33th edition of Dynamics Days Europe
(DDE-XXXIII), that will take place in Madrid (Spain) from 3rd to 7th
of June 2013.

The list of accepted minisymposia has already been published at

The list of invited speakers has been updated including the title and
abstract of the plenary lectures

Abstract submission for contributed talks and posters has deadline on
March 1st 2013.

Registration is now open at

The Conference has obtained the Sponsored Conference label from the
European Physical Society. EPS Individual Members can apply for an IM
Travel Grant to attend the DDE-XXXIII Conference
(http://www.eps.org/?page=support_grants). The EPS grants one Poster
Prize (250 euros) to award the PhD student presenting the best poster
at the conference.

All other details on the Conference scope, venue, scientific and
organizing committes are available at the conference website,
http://dynamics-days-europe-2013.org/, which is updated in real time.

Madrid, Spain,
3rd - 7th of June 2013.
Deadline: March 1st 2013.

The EPS grants one Poster Prize (250 euros) to award the PhD student presenting the best poster at the conference.
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:32   #126
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Регистрация: 16.04.2012
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International Conference and Summer School - Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms
Subject: NUMTA2013, Italy, Jun 2013

Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms
International Conference and Summer School
(in cooperation with SIAM)
June 17 - 23, 2013
Eurolido Hotel, Falerna (CZ)
Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy

The Conference will discuss all aspects of numerical computations and
modeling from foundations and philosophy to advanced numerical
techniques. New technological challenges and fundamental ideas from
theoretical computer science, linguistic, logic, set theory, and
philosophy will meet requirements and new fresh applications from
physics, chemistry, biology, and economy.

Researchers from both theoretical and applied sciences are very
welcome to submit their papers and to use this excellent possibility
to exchange ideas with leading scientists from different research
fields. Papers discussing new computational paradigms, relations with
foundations of mathematics, and their impact on natural sciences are
particularly solicited. A special attention will be also dedicated to
numerical optimization and different issues related to theory and
practice of the usage of infinities and infinitesimals in numerical

Submission of one page abstracts: March 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2013
Payment of the regular registration fee: March 30, 2013
Hotel reservation: May 5, 2013
Conference: June 17-23, 2013
Submission of papers to the special issue: October 31, 2013
Reviewing process: October 31, 2013 - October 31, 2014

June 17 - 23, 2013
Eurolido Hotel, Falerna (CZ), Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
Submission of one page abstracts: March 1, 2013

(in cooperation with SIAM)
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:34   #127
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
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PRIMA congress
Subject: PRIMA-2013, China, Jun 2013

PRIMA is an association of mathematical sciences institutes,
departments and societies from around the Pacific Rim, established in
2005 with the aim of promoting and facilitating the development of the
mathematical sciences throughout the Pacific Rim region. Its congress
is held every four years. The first congress was held in 2009 in
Sydney, Australia. The second PRIMA congress in Shanghai will feature
2 public lectures and 11 plenary speakers from distinguished
mathematicians, and 23 special sessions covering all major areas of

The conference also welcomes contributed talks and other participants.

For more information check

Shanghai, China,
Jun 2013
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:36   #128
Gold Member
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Bifurcation Theory, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Applications
Subject: Bifurcation Theory, Num Lin Alg and AppL, UK, Jul 2013

Bifurcation Theory, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Applications
a conference in honour of Alastair Spence's 65th birthday.

Dates: 1-2 July 2013
Place: University of Bath, UK

The meeting will take place the week after the 25th Biennial
Conference on Numerical Analysis in Strathclyde which is preceded by
the Preconditioning Conference in Oxford.

Confirmed invited speakers: Howard Elman (Maryland); Andrew Stuart
(Warwick); Françoise Tisseur (Manchester); Fengshan Bai (Tsinghua );
Ian Sloan (New South Wales); Des Higham (Strathclyde); Karl Meerbergen
(Leuven); Andrew Cliffe (Nottingham); Simon Tavener (Colorado State);
Alan Champneys (Bristol); Gerald Moore (London); Bodo Werner

To register, please send an email to m.a.freitag@bath.ac.uk

For full details including accommodation, please visit the conference
website http://people.bath.ac.uk/mamamf/BTNAA13.html

Dates: 1-2 July 2013
Place: University of Bath, UK

a conference in honour of Alastair Spence's 65th birthday.
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:38   #129
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Recent Advances on Optimization

Subject: Optimization workshop honoring Philippe Toint, France, Jul 2013

Recent Advances on Optimization, July 24-26, 2013, Toulouse, France

An international conference on optimization will be organized under
the umbrella of a research programme supported by the RTRA STAE
foundation in Toulouse from the 24th to 26th of July 2013. The
conference will address topics in unconstrained and constrained
optimization, with and without derivatives. It will be also the
occasion to celebrate the many contributions made by Philippe L. Toint
to the field. A half-day session related to the RTRA data assimilation
project "ADTAO" will be part of this conference.

Contributed talks and posters related to the topics of the conference
are welcome, and will be added to the programme as far as schedule
constraints permit.

Confirmed invited speakers: Stefania Bellavia, Andrew Conn, John
Dennis, Andreas Griewank, Michael Kocvara, Jorge More, Benedetta
Morini, Jorge Nocedal, Michael Powell - Cambridge University (UK) Mike
Saunders, Annick Sartenaer, Katya Scheinberg, Luis Nunes Vicente,
Ya-xiang Yuan, Stephen Wright

01.01.2013: Online registration open
15.03.2013: Due date for contributed presentations
30.03.2013: Due date for poster presentations
15.05.2013: Registration deadline

Thanks to our sponsors, no registration fees are required. However
registration is mandatory. Registration information (name, firstname,
affiliation) should be sent directly to Brigitte Yzel

Information on how to submit your contribution can be found on the
webpage of the conference:

July 24-26, 2013,
Toulouse, France

01.01.2013: Online registration open
15.03.2013: Due date for contributed presentations
30.03.2013: Due date for poster presentations
15.05.2013: Registration deadline

Optimization workshop honoring Philippe Toint
Uzanka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.02.2013, 15:39   #130
Gold Member
Регистрация: 16.04.2012
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The Oxford Conference on Challenges in Applied Mathematics (OCCAM)

Subject: Oxford Conf on Challenges in Applied Maths, UK, Jul 2013

OCCAM is delighted to announce a major conference celebrating five
years of international, interdisciplinary, collaborative applied
mathematics to be held in St Anne’s College, Oxford from 1st - 5th
July 2013

The Oxford Conference on Challenges in Applied Mathematics (OCCAM)
will cover the four keys areas of:
• Continuum Mechanics (Monday, 1st July)
• Energy and Resources (Tuesday, 2nd July)
• Bioscience (Wednesday, 3rd July)
• Methodologies (Thursday, 4th and Friday, 5th July)

The conference will be both a celebration of what we and our partners
have achieved so far and an insight in to the latest thinking from
scientists across the academic world. In the spirit of OCCAM there
will be plenty of time for delegates to get involved via Q & A,
discussion and informal collaboration.

A list of confirmed speakers is available on the conference homepage
and registration is via an online form only
(https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/groups/oc...m/registration). Please
register early as places are strictly limited and we have already
received a lot of interest in this event.

in St Anne’s College, Oxford,
1st - 5th July, 2013
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