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Shura Gomelsky was one of the best and most hardworking Ph.D. students, I had ever seen at the Institute of … . Our collaboration started, when he had become my Ph.D. student at the Institute of … in 199 . His Ph.D. thesis is mainly devoted to (пару предложений о чем дисер). While working on his thesis, Shura Gomelsky has demonstrated an outstanding research potential, result-oriented abilities and high level of self-motivation. This is evidenced by the fact that the results obtained were published in four papers in the major refereed journals within a relatively short period of research activity. In spite of the absence of standard methods for solving the problems considered in the thesis (they reduce to …) and major calculation difficulties, he succeeded in obtaining the final (in some sense) solution of the classical problem of the …, that before had not been solved. So, his evident mathematical talent and hardworking abilities are definitely the reliable basis for a future progress in … .

I would also like to stress that Shura Gomelsky has an important scientific streak, namely, sensitivity to new ideas, balanced by a good judgement. During the work on the thesis he made the best use of the computer algebra opportunities.

The proposed research is aimed at solving the really challenging and appealing problem of the modern … . At present (тема проекта) can be regarded as one of the most intensively developed and significant field of the … . It is especially the case for the …. To the best of my knowledge the proposed project would be a first attempt to investigate … from the point of view of the … .

Shura Gomelsky combines the ability to interact effectively with co-workers (we have three joint papers), on the one hand, and the initiative and autonomy in research (he has three papers without co-workers), on the other hand. By now he is quite matured as independent and original scientist.

Furthermore, Shura Gomelsky is open to exchange of ideas, discussions, collaboration with researchers representing other scientific schools in studying ... . I would also like to emphasize his language skills. Within a very short period he managed to learn English from the scratch and reach a level enabling him to write the research papers and make the talks in English. He had an oral presentations in English at the International Conferences "…." (Institute of …, Kiev, Ukraine, 20..) and at the XII Symposium on … (University of .., Germany, 20...) and took part in the … .

The further progress of Shura Gomelsky, as a scientist, requires definitely more substantial and prolonged collaboration with representatives of other scientific schools and generations. Obtaining the Halyava Fellowship will give Shura greater opportunities to develop scientifically and to fulfil the promise he has already shown. It will also deepen the already significant scientific collaboration between the Ukraine and the United States.

Therefore, I am of the opinion that he will be the best choice for a position of Halyava Fellow and support enthusiastically his application for the Halyava Fellowship with the Professor Johnson from the University of …, as the host.


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